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Voice Studio

Whether you need help with specific technical issues, preparing a new role, or are changing fach, I have the extensive experience and knowledge, as both a singer and teacher to guide you through the process.

I specialize in established and emerging artists. If you have finished your university studies and are looking for the polish you need to get hired, I can help you. Let’s get you through that difficult transition from student to working singer. If you need to someone to help you make the critical changes that will take your voice to the next level and improve your career prospects, my studio might be the place for you.

Keyword: Flexibility

Singers are always changing and growing. Even in our most stable phases, our voices are always in transition – from language to language, style to style, and day to day. The artist singer-shoes we wear in our mid-to-late twenties are comfortable in our thirties, expand in our forties and pinch some time later on. Our voices change, our bodies change, and life might just make changes you never expected. In-person or online, my studio is all about developing your professional voice.

My Students

My voice students are currently singing throughout the United States, South America, and Europe. In 2023, they are are participating in the San Francisco Opera’s Merola Opera Program, the Seagle Festival, and in the Belle Artes Young Artist Program in Mexico City, as well as presenting recitals in the Covent Garden recital series and placing in international competitions, such as the Cooper Bing Singing Competition and Orfeo Concurso de Canto Lirico de America.  I am proud of their many accomplishments!

About Master Classes

More Than Just Voice

Like all great performing artists, singers must be masters at multitasking.
It demands dependable musical and textual habits cultivated through disciplined preparation.

I help my students cultivate vocal freedom, flow, and flexibility
while integrating style, rhythm, phrasing, diction, historical
and dramatic context and natural, appropriate movement.

With all that, singers have the freedom to concentrate on the unexpected on stage!

Master Classes

Past Classes


  • Orfeo Concurso de Canto Lirico de America (Costa Rica) September, 2022
  • Festival di Opera San Luis Potosí, Mexico July 2018, July 2019, 2020, 2021
  • Festival de Música Erudita do Espírito Santo-Brazil 2017
  • Rising Stars Voice Studio, Bordentown, NJ  2009
  • Singer’s Retreat, Sylvan Beach, NY  2008, Aug 1, 2008
  • University of South Carolina School of Music  2008
  • College of Charleston, South Carolina 2008
  • Columbia College, South Carolina March 27, 2008
  • Coker College, South Carolina March 26, 2008
  • Northwestern University 2007
  • YMCA Rome, NY July 30  2007
  • Teatro Municipal, São Paulo, Brazil 2006
  • Nazareth College of Rochester  2003 
  • Rome Art and Community Center  2002
  • Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea 1988
  • THE 1ST ZAPOPAN OPERA FESTIVAL, Zapopan, Mexico in August 5-13, 2023
  • International Tutorial Symposium Salzburg , Austria- VOICE CARE ON STAGE. August 18, 2-23

Growth is growth

no matter how small
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